We are handbag factory have 300 workers, local Huadu District Guangzhou of China, near by the China biggest bags material market, also take only 30 mins from the GZ airport to our factory. And due to our location, we also have the points which is other factory can't---- low qty for the MOQ, short leadtime for production. (because we can easy to find mateiral in stock and buy with our min qty limit ) Due to our own desgin and developing, there are more than 1000 latest designed styles for your choose --- you can get a view from our website: http://www.softsmith-inc.com. (attached is only a very small part of our products for your ref. ) There are is more, we have English speaker to follow order make comunicate easy. Our products range are Lady Handbag, Wallets, Man Breifcase, Fashion Belt,which including evening bags, beaded bags, golden bags, shopping toge, women backpack, ...... Material range are PVC, PU, Cow Suede, Cow / Pig Leather, Canvas, Nylon, Poyester, Microfiber etc. Our products were mostly sell to North America, South America, Europe, Japan and Korea.50% order were been certificated OEM under customers brand and design by modify .For price level evaluating, Pls. view our products photo through our website, then let me have your prefered item No and send me email to-- denyo at 21cn.com --, so that I can send you our quotation and other ***ail infomation.